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The Definitive Etsy SEO Course
Optimising Other Parts Of Your Shop

Remember there are other factors affecting your listing’s ranking on Etsy search, like customer experience score and listing quality score. 

In this part, I’m going to go through all the strategies that you can use to further boost your search ranking.

Clean And Eye-Catching Product Photos

Having clean, eye-catching photos is one of the most important things you can do to improve the ranking. It’s because a good photo gets more clicks from shoppers. And Etsy awards that higher engagement with higher ranking.

Non-distracting background, clear subject, accurate colours, and using all 10 photos are some of the tips to improve your product photos. 

Check out this Etsy product photography guide for more tips.

Encourage Positive Reviews

Try encourage positive reviews from customers as higher shop reviews will improve your shop ranking. Although Etsy already reaches out to customers for reviews, it doesn’t hurt to send them a quick message after a week or two to ask them what they think of your product.

A quick message like this would likely do the trick:

“Hi (name of the customer), 

Thank you again for your order! I really appreciate it :)

I hope you are enjoying the product. If you like it, a positive review would mean the world to me! You can leave a review here: https://www.etsy.com/your/purchases

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll be happy to help!

(Your name)”

Consider Offering Free Shipping

Shipping price is one of the ranking factors. Shops offering lower shipping fee will get a boost in search ranking.

What’s more is that Etsy now gives priority in US search results if you ship for free to the United States for orders of US$35 or more.

To know whether offering free shipping makes sense to your shop, I have the exact guide written here.

Fill In Shop Policy

Filling out your shop policy as it is one of the ranking factors that Etsy cares about. It makes your shop more trustworthy and can increase your conversion rate.

Write Compelling About Section

A well-written about us section allow customer to know your shop better and also make you more relatable. Not to mention, it is one of the ranking factors on Etsy search.

A few questions to get you started: Why did you open your shop? What struggle did you face before your shop, and how your product solves that problem? What sets your shop apart from other sellers?

Remember to write in a personable and friendly tone. 

Also, if you have some good customer testimonials, highlighting a few sentences could be a good idea.

Craft Compelling Listing Description To Improve Conversion Rate

Writing good listing description helps shoppers understand your product and why is it a right fit for them. This helps improve the conversion rate of your listing, and boost the listing quality score, which is one of the ranking factors.

Here is another course you can take for perfecting your product description.

Scarcity Trick

Put item quantity as 3 or fewer and there is a chance that Etsy will show a red text underneath your product listing like this:

Bring In Targeted External Traffic

Extra traffic is always good. Have an online presence on social media like Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest, can send targeted traffic to your Etsy store, which can improve ranking in the long run.