30-Day Etsy Growth Challenge
Here are a list of tools and resources that I use regularly for my Etsy shops. It is not the biggest list because they are handpicked and tested to be best for your shop. Using them can help you speed up your day-to-day tasks and grow your Etsy business.

Are you ready to see consistent growth in your Etsy shop?

This intensive 30-day challenge is designed to keep you accountable and help you focus on the high-leverage tasks that truly move the needle for your Etsy shop.

This challenge won't deliver overnight success, but it will guide you through consistent, strategic improvements in important areas like developing your strong USP, competitive analysis, listing optimisations, marketing and much more.

I would recommend dedicate at least 2 hours per day on average to complete the tasks to your best ability. If you are a visual person, I’d recommend printing out the book before starting.

At the end of each module, you'll find self-assessment questions to make sure you're on track before moving forward.

Ready to take on this 30-day growth challenge? Download your book here:

Download 30-Day Etsy Growth Challenge