10 Ways To Get More Clicks To Your Etsy Listings

By Growing Your Craft | 
-minute read

Last Updated:

February 25, 2024


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I know the frustration of Etsy listings not getting clicks and views *crickets*. Without clicks, you won't even have the chance of selling to your potential customers.

This guide will help you change that.

Getting more clicks means you will have better chance for a sale. Also, higher click-through rate also improves the ranking of your listings.

Here are 10 of my favourite ways to generate more clicks for your Etsy listings:

Eye-Catching Thumbnail Photo

Your product thumbnail photo is the first thing that Etsy shoppers see. Whether they click into your listing depends heavily on your photo quality.

Make sure your photo is bright, clean and with the product being the focus. I would also recommend using a simple background with minimal texture and patterns to reduce any distractions. Something simple like this would be very clickable for shoppers:

For 50 amazing Etsy product photo examples, check out this guide.

Text On Your Thumbnail Photo

I’m not talking about watermark here. What I’m referring to is to put extra useful information on your product image.

It could be the main feature of your product. For example, have the word “925 sterling silver” at the corner of your necklace product photo.

For my Growing Your Craft Etsy shop, I put the main benefit and sizes of the branding templates so shoppers can quickly know the benefit of the product and whether the sizes are correct for them:

Having some text on the thumbnail photo also helps you stand out from your competition when other sellers don’t do that.

Adding text to photo is easy. I recommend tools like Canva, where you will be able to easily do that with these steps:

  1. Go to canva.com
  2. At the search bar, click the camera icon on the right to choose your product photo
  3. After it’s uploaded, click “Edit Photo”
  4. In the editor, choose “Text” on the left hand side
  5. Choose the text that matches your brand image
  6. Drag to move the text box and edit the text
  7. Download your edited product photo on the top right hand corner

Or you can copy my Etsy listing photo templates to speed up the process. These 240 Etsy listing photos templates (48 designs with 5 variations) are all created based on high converting products on Etsy.

Using Long Tail Keywords

Using long-tail keywords that are specific to your products can improve the chance of the right shoppers seeing your products.

Compared with generic keywords like “earrings” and “dress”, long-tail keywords like “glittery cat earrings” and “white lace bridal dress” are used by shoppers who are more ready to buy.

When you use keywords that are more specific, it helps you match your product to the right shoppers, therefore generating more clicks for your listings.

Descriptive Listing Title

Similar to targeting the right keywords, you would also want to put your most descriptive part of your listing title in the front. 

Because only the first few words show up in the search page, it’s important you can describe your product accurately in the first few words. Descriptive titles allow shoppers to understand the product quickly. If it matches what they are looking for, they are likely to click into your listing.

For example, instead of “handmade apron” which is more general, use a descriptive title like “green linen apron with front pocket”.

All these successful shop put descriptive titles at the front of their listings

Running A Sale

When you run a sale on Etsy, the original price will be crossed out with the discount percentage next to it. Both of them will be green in colour. This only applies to sales that don’t have order minimum (number of items or order total).

The discounted price can give your listings something extra to stand out on the search page. 

An example of how a product running a sale looks like

Limited Quantity

When you put the quantity of your product as 3 or lower, there is a chance Etsy would put a line of red text underneath your listing saying “Only 3 left - order soon”.

It gives shoppers a sense of urgency which can make them more curious to click into your listings. It also can help with your products’ conversion rate as urgency encourages shoppers to buy.

Etsy may show this red line of text if the product has a quantity of 3 or fewer

Good Reviews

Reviews are important in any online marketplaces, including Etsy. Shoppers often use reviews as an indicator of whether a product is good quality and whether a shop is trustworthy.

That’s why having a healthy amount of positive reviews can improve the chances of shoppers clicking into your product listings.

You should aim for 5-star reviews as much as possible, but there are many shops with an average of 4 and 4.5 stars that are successful. 

A few ways to get positive reviews on Etsy:

  1. Good quality products and packaging
  2. Accurate product photos
  3. Responsive and friendly customer services
  4. Post-purchase check up with customers

Unfortunately, bad reviews are inevitable on Etsy. Read this guide to see how you can deal with negative reviews.

Free Shipping Badge

Unlike badges like “Etsy’s Pick” and “Popular Now”, free shipping badge is something you can control.

If you offer free shipping with no minimum spending, you will get a green “Free Shipping” badge next to your listing, which can draw extra attention to your listing and improve the click rate.

Offering free shipping to the US for products over $35 can also improve your ranking on Etsy search. Click here to see whether it makes sense for your shop to offer free shipping.

An example of a free shipping badge

Star Seller Badge

On July 28, 2021, Etsy introduced Star Seller, a way to reward shops that meet Etsy’s requirements of being an excellent seller.

Some of the requirements to satisfy within a 3-month period:

  1. At least 95% of 5-star reviews
  2. At least 95% of orders shipped with tracking or shipping labels from Etsy
  3. At least 95% of messages replied within 24 hours

Sellers who can achieve all of the requirements will have a star seller badge displaying underneath the listing title. Badge like this star seller one can improve the click-through rate of your listings.

An example of the purple Star Seller badge on the Etsy search results

Creating More Product Listings

Creating more listings means you have more opportunities to rank for different keywords. Keep the previous points in mind of using long-tail keywords that are descriptive to your products.

If you find it difficult to come up with new designs, you can think about creating new listings with variations of your current products or product bundles of some of your bestsellers.

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