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Instagram Marketing Playbook For Etsy Sellers
Double Down On Content That’s Working

After learning about content creation and the details of making reels, photo posts and stories, you have the tools to create engaging content for your target audience.

Now, to get more traction and accelerate your growth, it’s important to pick and choose what content to focus on. But how do you know?

Create more of what works.

Understanding Your Instagram Insights

Looking at your content’s insight is important. Click "View Insights" right below your post. They tell you what type of content resonate with your target audience. Here are the important metrics to consider:

  • Saves and Shares: These are strong indicators that your audience finds your content valuable. If they’re saving it, it's something they want to revisit. If they're sharing it, they believe it's worth showing to others. High numbers in these metrics are often seen in educational, inspirational, or deeply valuable content to your audience.
  • Watch Time: Particularly for Reels, the watch time metric can tell you how engaging your video content is. If your reels have a high watch time, it indicates that viewers are watching them till the end, or even multiple times. From the watch time insights, you can also see where most of the drop-off happens during your reel. That indicates in which point your reel may need changes.
  • Profile Visits: A high number of profile visits suggests that your content intrigued viewers enough to explore more about your account.

If your content gets high engagement, you will notice that it's more likely to get pushed out to more non-followers.

For reels, you also get this graph of watch time and retention in the insights. You can see which part of the reel has a high drop off and improve on that.

Remember choosing the type of content or the content format you should focus  on should only be done after the beginning experimentation phase (the phase where you test out multiple content and format types).

After you’ve posted a number of posts, then you’ll have some data on engagement that you can compare. Which content type gets more shares and saves? Which type of reel get longer watch time and views?

Once you an impression of what works with you audience, it’s time to double down and focus your effort on those. If reels showing your creation process gets more views and higher watch time, then focus on making more of this with different products.

Also, try creating variations on the successful content. Using the same example, you can make reels on creation process with different products, different editing style, different camera angles, etc.

This ‘doubling down’ and refinement process should be continuous, as audience preference, Instagram algorithm or trends change over time.