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Supercharge Your Etsy Shop With ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT: Customer Support

Replying To Customer Messages

Write a reply for this customer message about (describe the product): “(message from customer)” Can you write a friendly, semi-informal reply using these points: “(bullet point of your decision, relevant information, etc.)”

Handling Negative Review & Unhappy Customers

I got a negative review recently for my Etsy shop. The customer purchased (detailed description of your product). Here is the review: “(the review)”. Can you write a friendly and professional message response to address their concerns?

Return Policy Communication

A customer wants to return an item but it's beyond the return period. (Extra relevant details about the situation). How can I communicate this in a polite and professional manner?

Replying To Positive Review

I’ve received this 5-star review for my Etsy shop. The customer purchased (detailed description of your product). Here is the review: “(the review)”. How can I reply to this review to show my appreciation and encourage repeat business?

Responding To Customisation Request

A customer has requested a custom order for (your product) with these specific details: (customisation details). I can fulfill this request. Write a response to the customer to confirm their order, provide them with an estimated shipping date, and ask them for (additional information).

A customer has requested a custom order for (your product) with these specific details: (customisation details). I cannot fulfill this request because (reasons). Write a polite and professional response to decline their request but keep them interested in my other offerings.

Shipping Damage Complaint

A customer messaged me that their order of (your product) arrived damaged. I'm happy to (your action, e.g. offer a refund, send a replacement). Please write a reply to apologise, address their complaint, and outline my action in a way that ensures customer satisfaction?

Dealing With Customer Who Ask For Unreasonable Discount

A customer is repeatedly asking for an unreasonable discount that I can't provide. Please write a professional and assertive message to reply to them. Here's their message: "(paste their message)"

Writing ‘Saved Reply’ Template Answers

This is similar to writing the FAQ for your shop:

I sell (description of your products) on Etsy. My target customer is (your target customer). Can you help me create a list of 10 common questions and answers that customers may have about this product?